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We love that you're interested in contributing in our church family. If you're new to the community, our priority is that you're getting connected relationally and becoming known to others. While you're focussing on getting connected, we have some areas that are open for people to serve in if you are newer to the family (first 6 months). Even if you have been part of our church community for a long time, you're still welcome to join a Serving Team. Our Ministry Teams are opportunities that involve leading others in our community which is why we want people to be connected in first and a trusted and known member of our church family. You can find out more information about each area at the bottom of this page. Please note that your application doesn't guarantee a role in the ministry area/s you selected.

I would like to contribute in the following area/s


These certifications aren't required for every Ministry Team but knowing the people in our community that have these qualifications can be helpful.

Thanks! Please hit the submit button on the bottom of the page


Hospitality Team

The Hospitality team is all about making it easy for families to stay on and interact together after a Sunday Gathering. Helpers plate up food towards the end of the gathering time and clean up after morning tea time. We work as a team so you won’t be expected to do it all on your own. We aim to roster people on every 3-4 weeks.

Doxa Cafe

Our Doxa Cafe provides hot and cold drinks, including barista made coffee, at our Sunday Gathering each week before and after the gathering. Our Doxa Cafe team helps to make coffees or take orders and payments. You don’t need to know how to make coffees but you do need to be passionate about learning how to.

Tech Team

Tech Team oversees all the audio, vision/lyrics, photography, filming and production each Sunday. There are no technical pre-requisites, however a mix of a good ear for sound, an eye for film or just great IT skills are a big plus. We aim to have each team member rostered every 2-3 weeks and team training and up-skilling as needed.


Our Worship Team oversees the worship time at our Sunday Gatherings. Our priority is that you love Jesus and are committed to growing in Christlikeness more than being an amazing musician. Stepping into leadership in the Worship Team comes with time, wisdom and discernment from Holy Spirit which means the progression of permission will look different for everyone. 

Info Desk & Welcome Team

The Info Desk is the go-to for information about Paradox Church. We also provide a place for payments for upcoming events, material sales, for bank account details and connect cards. It requires some admin and strong relationship skills. Welcoming involves being available around the door area, looking out for visitors and new people and engaging in conversation with them. Encourage new people to fill out connect cards and help latecomers find seats.

The Crew

The Crew is our Emergency Food Relief and Homeless Support ministry at Paradox Church. Our facility is based in the centre of Rockingham at... There are a number of different ways you can help out at The Crew: Serving at our Monday Community Meal (Monday mornings); Helping to pack food hampers (Thursday mornings); Helping to hand out food hampers and connect with guests (Friday mornings); Helping out on our Soup Patrol (Sunday Afternoons). Our big need is mature Christians that can minister to our volunteers and guests to help them to feel loved and meet Jesus.

Liliah Haven

Liliah Haven is our Transitional Housing program on site at Paradox Church for homeless pregnant women or those who have recently given birth. We provide safe accommodation and case management support for these women and their babies. We have lots of opportunities to get involved from practical support to mentoring. 

Courageous Men

Courageous Men is the men's ministry at Paradox Church. We currently run monthly events for men to connect relationally, support one another and learn together to be better men, husbands and fathers.

Social Media

We are looking to build a team of people to help bring the wider community on a journey with us through the use of social media. This will involve photography, posting content and forming strategy around getting the message of Jesus to the masses!

Paradox Kids

Our Paradox Kids team looks after the little people in our family from ages 2 to the end of primary school. You can choose to volunteer with the age group you feel most comfortable with. Our goal is to have everyone rostered on once every 6 weeks on a Sunday morning but are currently doing once a month on average. We require that you have your Working With Children’s Check.

Paradox Youth

Paradox Youth looks after students in Year 4 - 9, every Friday night of the school term between 6.00pm - 8:00pm. We need leaders who have a passion for youth, are able to help set up and pack down each night and able to facilitate a safe environment for our youth. We require that you have your Working With Children’s Check.

Property Maintenance

We are looking for anyone who has time during the week and loves to work with their hands and be in wide open spaces, helping with general property duties or anyone with experience in specialised trades - especially painting! Volunteers are able to arrange their own hours of availability throughout the week.

Car Parking

Our heart is that people would feel welcomed and connected the moment they enter our property. The car parking team helps to direct people to a parking spot, but also is the first smiling face they see and can help people to find their way to the Gathering Space. This team serves from 9am till around 9:40am.

Prayer Shepherds

Our Prayer Shepherds make up the Prophetic and Intercessory leadership team at Paradox Church. Our Prayer Shepherds help to oversee prayer gatherings, pray together regularly, cover the community in prayer and help to establish a culture of prayer and intercession in our community.

Altar Team

Our Altar Team helps to minister to people at the end of a Sunday Gathering during our ministry time. We have two roles: Altar Prayer and Altar Support. Altar Prayer leaders are the ones who pray for people and Altar Support are there to help support the prayer team through catching, grabbing tissues and blankets, and any other supprt the Altar Prayer leaders need. We provide training and support for both roles.

Freedom Ministries

Freedom Ministries is the Inner Healing and Deliverance ministry of Paradox Church. We have ministry rooms on site where we offer prayer ministry sessions for people. To be part of Freedom Ministries you must be in the process of completing, or have completed, the Elijah House prayer ministry training program. 

Life Hub Leader

Life Hubs are where we connect as a missional community and spiritual family outside of our Sunday gatherings. It is here where people get connected, where lives become shared and hearts become known. Life Hub leaders help to facilitate fortnightly gatherings in their home and connect new people into their Life Hub. This role is often shared between a few individuals/couples to share the load.

Graphic Design

We love to express ideas through the beauty and creativity of media. We are looking to build a team of people who are intersted and skilled in graphic design to help to create the media we use during the week. 

Creative Arts

If you are passionate about creativity we would love to have you help us to form a team of creative people that can use their gifts to bless and encourage others. Whether through art, photgraphy, music, pottery and the like, we love to see the creativity of our creator expressed through His people in order to bless others.